AFL ASIA AGM: Jan 27th

This week the Presidents and representatives for AFL Asia will meet to discuss how we will shape Asian Footy for 2016. Scheduled for Jan 27th via Skype or phone hook up the following topics will be discussed:

  • AFL ASIA tournaments for 2016
  • ASIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Date confirmation for Vietnam Sept 3rd or Oct 14th
  • Coaching and Umpire training camps
  • Local Development Strategies
  • Auskicks Asian Expansion, international games
  • Sponsorship and Partnerships
  • Tresaury plan for 2016

We will elect the new AFL Asia committee for 2016. All of us involved in Asian footy are very busy but if you have a few hours a week available to improve all AFL teams in Asia please get involved.
Positions to nominate & elect:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Operations Manager: Sherrin, logistics
  • Communications: Social media, website Etc
  • Sponsorship Coordinator: developing current and prospective relationships
  • Asian Champs committee
  • Local Development committee
  • Auskick Representatives/Committee
  • Interns: We are open to offer internships to young people in Asia or Australia wishing to expand their resume while assisting AFL Asia. Applications to

I you want to be involved in “Growing Footy in Asia” please think about any position you think you or your committee members might be suitable for. Please email with your area of expertise. Also email any agenda items, other than the obvious, that your team would like to bring up.