Macau Lightning – Up and about for the Asian Champs 2015

Macau Lightning approach the Champs with their largest ever touring squad, and are very keen to make an impression under the new divisional format.

Aside from playing the domestic season and hosting the SCAFL Grand Final, a busy 2015 has seen the Lightning play host to Malaysia as well as touring Jakarta over the Easter break.

The Auskick and junior development programs continue to attract good numbers and it is encouraging to see a number of local kids getting involved. With the seniors we have said goodbye to a few players departing for greener pastures. Fortunately they have picked up some new players who combining with some of the club stalwarts have the Lightning well placed heading into the Champs and beyond.


Coach/Captain’s thoughts:

“While there have been numerous personnel changes, a large part of the core playing group remains unchanged, which provides us with a degree of stability. The exciting part is bringing new players into the fold, teaching them the skills and nuances of the game, and watching them develop. The passion of the playing group remains our main strength, and all the boys can’t wait to get to Thailand in October. The new divisional format also provides an added incentive, and I know that everyone who pulls on a Macau Lightning jumper will be giving it 100% across the day. You can’t ask more from a great bunch of blokes.”

Richard Thomas, Macau Lightning Coach.


President’s thoughts:

“The Lightning have been going from strength to strength over the past few years, the club have been doing an amazing job recruiting and putting a squad together month in month out considering we are a tiny 30km2 pocket with a population of just 400,000.

A transient place so a lot of new faces from previous years but the stories and tales of the champs stay fresh at every training session or club event and everyone is pumped up and ready to get stuck in.

Thank you in advance Thailand Tigers for what we are sure is going to be the best and biggest champs yet”

Dave Smith, President Macau Lightning


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