The Philippine Eagles are your Accor Men’s Division 3 winners at the ATG 2023 Asian Championships.

It was terrific to see the Philippine Eagles (5-0) bounce back big time from the canvas of being the most affected of any AFL Asia nation post-pandemic to proudly hoisting the Division 3 trophy after their Grand Final triumph! The Eagles used their experienced and veteran players tremendously well and were well supported by an exciting batch of new local youngsters.

Eagles on the loose on the way to the 2023 Division 3 title.

The China Reds (3-2 overall) played a very entertaining brand of football and well serviced by their local Chinese cohort, who made up a large contingent of their playing stocks, with a bunch of impactful and experienced expats. Despite not taking home any trophies on this occasion, they can go home knowing their future is bright and they’re heading in the right direction.

The 2023 China Reds returning to the Asian Championships for the first time since 2019.

The seasoned Thailand Tigers (1-3) featuring elder statesman and young academy players tried valiantly all morning, whilst the Indonesian Volcanoes (1-3), similarly to the Thaigers, fielded a team primarily featuring local players from the AFL Indonesia factory line of footballers.

The Thailand Tigers debuted a majority of CUBS players – showcasing their development and community work.

Although the Barbarians went home victory less (0-4 overall) they clearly had the best looking uniforms of the tournament and featured a stack of local Laos lads and a handy sprinkle of seasoned campaigners from both Hong Kong and Singapore.

The Barbarians may not have won any games, but they won plenty of fans, thanks to their outstanding kit!