John Eddy of the Indonesian Garudas reports to their500 Club Members and includes the final ladder for IC14 below.

Dear 500 Club Member,

The quest to attend the International Cup in Melbourne is now complete with all players having now returned to Indonesia and back into their daily routines.

The final ladder positions are detailed below and we are in 16th spot which could be considered a pretty good outcome for a Nation on debut.

The Committee still has some post-tour loose ends to tidy up including a full analysis of costs and results but at this stage we can report a highly successful venture to Melbourne and the Team can be very proud of the way they competed and represented their Country both on and off the field.

Along with our key sponsors, Seascape Surveys and the Victorian Government Office in Jakarta, and our other sponsors, your contribution and support as a 500 Club Member, made the trip possible and 29 young Indonesian men have now had the experience of a lifetime, all because they were prepared to work hard and succeed at the game of Australian Rules Football.

With September on the doorstep, Committees are well advanced with preparations for AFL Grand Final Parties and we hope to see you at one of these events in either Jakarta, Balikpapan or Bali. If you need further information on venues and times and how to secure a ticket, please reply to this email and we will send full details.


  1. Papua New Guinea
  2. Ireland
  3. New Zealnd
  4. South Africa
  5. Canada
  6. Tonga
  7. Nauru
  8. USA
  9. Great Britain
  10. Fiji
  11. France
  12. Pakistan
  13. Sweden
  14. Japan
  15. Finland
  16. Indonesia
  17. China
  18. India


  1. Canada Northern lights
  2. Ireland
  3. USA Freedom
  4. Canada Midnight Suns
  5. Fiji
  6. Tonga
  7. USA Liberty