The Indonesian Garudas have their last hit out before IC14 tomorrow – followed by their jumper presentation.

The Indonesian Garudas have their last hit out before IC14 tomorrow – followed by their jumper presentation.

John Eddy, Chairman, IC14 (Indonesian Garudas) Committee, writes to the 500 Club Members (AFL Asia is a Club 500 member) of tomorrow’s jumper presentation to the Garudas.

Hi 500 Club Members,

With the departure date to Melbourne fast approaching (we fly on 7 August), we are very much getting to the business end of this exciting project.

I realize that not everyone is in Jakarta, but we would dearly love to see as many 500 Club Members as possible at Fez in Kemang at 7pm this Saturday to witness history. We will present the 2014 International Cup Team with their playing jumpers and formally announce the Coach, Captain, Lead Sponsors and other important positions.

We will also be showing a short promotional video, compiled with the help of the Australian Embassy production team.

The formalities will not be drawn out, so please try to be on time and we will be looking to get everything underway by 730pm and completed within the hour.

Bar will be open and meals available… ‘pay as you go’ (unless you make the National Team!)

See you at Fez.

(On Saturday afternoon, prior to Fez event, the National Team will be playing the Jakarta Bintangs at Cibubur. Of course, everyone is welcome to the game. Details attached.