Zhang Hao thanks Team China’s sponsors and supporters after returning to China yesterday from the AFL’s 2014 International Cup in Melbourne.

Gidday all

All the China Dragons players have come back to China in this morning. It is a fantastic tournament. Thanks for you guys helping China team complete the third time International. There is a little regret for only winning one game. so we only can become stronger in next IC game.

We hope to build a long cooperation with all the sponsors. Without all your support we can’t do anything.

I also hope China Dragons can join the Asian Champions on next year. I have begun to plan this year GDAFL and SCAFL.

Hope we have the chance to play against the Beijing Bombers and Shanghai Tigers in the next following years.

All the best to you all, Hope everything is good on you. I will begin a 3 new years preparation.

To see Zhang in a recent TV interview on the ABC, click here.