ABC TV’s video : AFL ASIA IC14 Function ABC TV story

AFL Asia staff and players and coaches from China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Pakistan who are competing in the International Cup got together on Sunday night to celebrate AFL Asia’s first birthday.

The event was held at the picturesque Pier Hotel in Melbourne with a packed out function room overlooking the bay the scene of the celebrations.

The night was designed to celebrate the Asian Five; namely, the Indonesian Garudas, Japanese Samurai, Indian Tigers, Indonesian Garudas and Team China – as well as former players from footy clubs in Asia.

The Asian 5 were quite the sight in their team colours. It was amazing to see them all in the same room together. All these different cultures, together in Melbourne. Brought together by footy.

Players and coaches decked out in their team polo’s mingled with members of other teams and enjoyed a chance to unwind ahead of the second half of the tournament.

The night was organised by AFL Asia’s Super Star, Mark Stennett who doubled as the MC. AFL Asia president Phil Johns spoke about the growth of AFL Asia and shared his thoughts on the future of football in Asia and some of the captains of the teams shared their thoughts on the tournament so far. AFL Asia’s Treasurer and Vice President, Darren Whitfield, gave an update on the progress of the IC14 to date. The makers of the new movie, “Aussie Rules the World” spoke about the movie and did an on stage interview with the driving force behind the Indian Tigers, Sudip Chakraborty. Hawthorn Legend, Gary Buckenara spoke spoke about his involvement and views on the future of footy in Asia. He then presented each of the five teams’ captains a (donated) Sherrin each with the signatures of the Asian 5. This was followed by some auctions for some Star Athletics items, a Western Bulldogs jumper signed by Lin Jong, and a Collingwood jumper to be signed by the successful bidder’s choice.

AFL Asia’s How good’s footy in Asia! video was played. The duet of Nish and Virg played in the background. ABC TV filmed everything and viewed most people.

The event was a great celebration of what’s been achieved and a sign of bigger and better things to come for footy in Asia.

Congratulations again to each of the five competing Asian teams!

For more photos, click here.