Adam Bray from the Jakarta Bintangs has proposed a Movember Face off between AFL Asia’s clubs. Club presidents have been notified. Ed Clarke from reigning Asian Champs, the Singapore Wombats has confirmed that the ‘Bats are “In”. Adam explains more below.

I was thinking… I reckon it would be good to ask for 1 nomination from each Club. And they can all ‘face off’ for the Award of “Filthiest Moustache in Asian Football”. I’d be happy to donate a trophy and send out the updates along the way.

For example blokes have to post a progress photo once a week to qualify. And, at the end, they send the final photo and it can be a votes based system for who wins (who gets the most likes on the photo). And to claim the prize they have to have raised, say, $50 or $100.

If a Club doesn’t want to do it or doesn’t reply then that’s no probs. Purely only for those that are keen. If we only have a few Clubs then perhaps those Clubs can nominate multiple contestants.

Filthiest Mo is Asian Footy would be a very sought after title I reckon!!!

If you’re keen, email Adam Bray.