The Cambodian Eagles and Vietnam Swans have announced the appointment of new Presidents following the recent resignations of Steve Morrish (Eagles) and Josh Lee (Swans).

The Vietnam Swans have appointed a former Beijing Bomber, Grant Keys, who has a special interest in developing the locals in the fine art of Aussie Rules.

Meanwhile, Paul Hurford has assumed the Presidency in Cambodia following their recent AGM. Other appointments in the Cambodian camp are:

  • VP – Rob Jago
  • VP – Paul Clements (Umpire, and keen to develop umpiring a lot further)
  • Secretary – Glenn Miller
  • Treasurer – Muriel Stockheim
  • Players Rep – Christopher Mott (Kip)
  • Development – Ashley Irving

AFL Asia congratulates Steve and Josh for all the amazing work that they have put in for their respective clubs.