The China reds go marching into the Champs in Thailand


The constant tyranny of distance between Chinese cities has conspired against the Reds who have not joined forces since last years Champs when we only fielded 13 players but we are confident that the strength of our domestic competitions hold us in good stead for a fresh assault on the Division II championship

A mercenary red army from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Chongqing are convening in Bangkok for the champs and we are looking forward to the new format of division Number two with the hope we can be more competitive that in years past. We are extremely proud to be bringing 11 local Chinese players to the champs this year, almost half of our squad, which reflects the healthy development of the game in the middle kingdom.

Our team is compiled of seasoned veterans and first timers (a dangerous mix or the perfect blend it remains to be seen) and we are all looking forward to the hospitality of the Thailand tigers.


Most importantly we are looking forward to defending the major awards of the day super boot fastest man in Asia and of course the boat race

How good is footy and Asia!
