The Warriors have enjoyed a solid 2015 with away wins adding to the normal home wins most teams expect. Good numbers on the training track have helped generate healthy competition for spots in the starting line up while off the field the Warriors have enjoyed growing support from sponsors and past players.

The Warriors approach this years Asian Champs with a priority of going out and enjoying the day, with 7 strong teams in 1st division there is sure to be some high quality footy played. And where better than in Bangkok!

Coach’s thoughts:

“2015 has been a very good year for the Warriors on and off the field. It’s always great to challenge yourself against the best and this years two tier division at the Asian Champs will give everyone that opportunity. No easy games, which is fantastic. The champs is a lot of fun and this year will be no different. The preparation and planning has been done, now it’s down to performance on the big stage.”

Warriors coach – Corey Weekes


President’s thoughts:

“Every club across Asia sets itself for the Champs and we’re no different. We’ve worked really hard this year and given ourselves every chance of doing well. From herein we just focus on our preparation and win, lose or draw, as Warriors we’ll give it our all. While we can’t guarantee the result of course, what we can guarantee is that we’ll give it a real crack and have a great time in Bangkok!”

Digger, Malaysian Warriors President


Club website –

Photo: Warriors in Singapore 2015